Sunday, July 28, 2013

Body Mount Repairs

We purchased one set of the frame repair plates for 60 bu and after realizing that we can just make these ourselves a quick trip to Lowes and purchasing a chunk of metal and a 1.5 inch metal bit we just cut the second set for less then 25 bux

Found A Little Issue

After Taking the front clip off we noticed a small issue with mikes Camaro, while mounting the shifter way back someone had a bright idea to drill straight through into the T350 case, now there are 2 nice holes all the way through the transmission housing.

Seperating the frames

We seperated the front clip from the rest of the cars to do mount repairs, and what do you know, both of the cars need all 4 body mounts repaired

The Cutting Begins

Started to and finished cutting out the side cowels, those things were rusted to hell and didnt sant to com out easely at all, thankfully we already got replacements but they will require a good beating to get them to fit properly


all stripped put except for the headliner which will be replaced later, inspected and power washed to get all that gunk out of it and see where the rust really is